If you like various letter and word games, you will love it too!Anagram: Using all the letters in a word to create another meaningful word.eg. Anagrams of VÉR word: VÉR, RÉV, ÉRV.In the case of anagrams, we have to use all the letters, so the YEAR or the WORD words are not acceptable in this game.In the game, depending on the difficulty level, you get 3-7 letters, the task is to create new words using all the letters at the same time. At least two, but up to 6 words per round can be displayed in the same characters.The game excellently improves verbal intelligence, vocabulary, combination and observation.400+ puzzles!5 difficulty levels from 3 letters to 7 letters.If more than 1/3 of a level is solved, you can try the next level.At the start, 20pcs, and every 5th round, 2pcs, and when you reach another level you get 10pcs.Have fun!